This group, created and headed by Professor Pierre Kuonen, is working on topics related to parallel and distributed systems such as Grid computing and on ubiquitous systems. More specifically activities of the group is mainly focusing on the following aspects:
* GRID-Computing: Parallel and distributing programing, distributed and Grid architectures, Grid middelware (mainly resource management).
* Ubiquitous Computing: Context dependable systems, mobile systems, multimodale user interfaces.
The objective of the group is to be an excellence centre able to provide support to industrial and to collaborate on research activities with other academic centres at national and international level.
The GRID & Ubiquitous Computing Group has been a partner of the CoreGRID network of excellence.
Open doctoral position at the GRID & Ubiquitous Computing Group
PhD scholarship on developing sustainable scheduling policies for radio access networks based on LTE technology
The successful candidate will be enrolled in the PhD program at the Institute for Research in Applicable Computing of University of Bedfordshire UK, and he/she will need to spend a vast majority of his/her time in the GRID & Ubiquitous Computing Group at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Fribourg. There are no teaching obligations.
We are seeking candidates for a Ph.D research opportunity within an innovative research project which will be jointly running at the Grid and Ubiquitous computing Group at the University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland in Fribourg and the Centre for Wireless Network Design (CWiND) in University of Bedfordshire. The aim of the project is to develop sustainable and optimal scheduling policies for radio access networks based on Long Term Evolution (LTE) technology. The implementation of the algorithms will be based on grid programming to exploit distributed object models for a faster and more comprehensive experimentation. This will facilitate further collaborative policy optimization algorithms. The research involves the subject areas of wireless communication, operations research, and distributed and parallel computing and programming.
A suitable background for the applicant is a strong undergraduate degree in Computer Science and Mathematics or other related fields (e.g., Telecommunication and/or Computer Networks). Candidates must have a strong background in object oriented programming and should have good understanding of parallel/distributed computing.
The position is immediately available but, due to the origin of the funding, is only open to students having the EU or Swiss citizenship. If you are interested in applying to this position, please send your CV with a personal statement to the following email address:
* Prof. Pierre Kuonen
* last date 20 August 2010